So I know it has been a while and that is pretty much because I forgot...about all of this until Maranda reminded me. So here I am again with nothing more to say than the normal things that are going on in my life right now. Where to start...? Fist off I am super glad to be done with school and going into summer. My family and I leave for the beach this Sunday which should be interesting since I am supposed to drive atleast half of the way if not more...
What else? Well there is a bunch of stuff going on in my personal life right now. Like one of my good friends is leaving for boot camp (for the marines) on the 16th. Last night was the last time I will get to see him for who knows how long. It is a lot harder that I thought it would be... Also several people I know are not currently speaking to me for some various reason and most of them is because they are participating in some stuff that isn't exactly acceptable and they don't want me to ask and then find out. Then there is this summer which I am so looking forward to!
My little sister's 14th birthday is this Saturday and I am very happy for her! She has no idea but tomorrow night we are throwing her a surprise birthday party. I hope she will have a blast!
I have a lot to think about and some decisions to make that keep nagging at my mind all the time....well I am gonna go finish cleaning my room!