Inspiration: the act of inspiring; quality or state of being inspired.
Lately that is what I feel - inspired. I am not sure when it all came about but now that it has I can't shake it...not that I want to though. The thing is that I felt conviction about how last semester and how I handled it. I am a very driven person and have always been extremely conscious of my grades. So last semester that's what I was focusing on, and while grades are important and I should apply myself, they are not what is ultimately important. So you might wonder what is. What is my purpose in life. Many people ask themselves them and some never get the answer. My purpose in life: to glorify God.
So what does all that mean? Well it means that things are going to change next semester. I want them to change and am going to strive for that. I want to have my priorities in order: God FIRST. He will take care of everything else in my life. I trust that. I would love to have a sort of Bible study within my group of friends on campus. That we would all do a devotional series that has each of us daily in the word, spending time with God, and helping us grow. Then once a week would could all have lunch or dinner together and talk about where we are and what God is revealing to us individually in our lives, so, "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
To have a time of fellowship for "God lovers." This is a term that I have stolen from a series that completely changed my life and the way I think about God. The series I am referring to is on by Robin Jones Gunn, there is the Christy Miller Series, the Sierra Jensen Series, Christy and Tod: The College Years, and the Katie Weldon Series (they go in that order too.) If you have not read these PLEASE READ THEM! They will change your life! I recommend them to everyone they are geared more towards girls but they give a great example for guys of how to act too.
So I guess I am starting with my New Year's resolutions early, this being my biggest and most important one (not to mention the only one I have at this point - more to come on those later). God sent his ONLY son to die on a cross for my sins, if that isn't love then I don't know what is. He is the ultimate perfect example and what I long to imitate. I want to fall so in love with him that I just can't stand it. For him to be my everything.