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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

After reading something one of my friends wrote I was inspired to not make any "new year resolutions" but to instead make some New Year Commitments, thus implying that I am serious about these things and plan to follow through with them. With that said here I go...

2010 New Year Commitments

1. To develop and maintain a healthy and stronger relationship with my heavenly Father and to "Be like the moon and reflect the Son."
2. To put 100% into the things I do, because anything worth doing is worth doing well.
3. To be more encouraging and kind to others, to show the same grace and forgiveness to them that I wish to receive.
4. To not only work at the rec center but to get in shape and to be healthy.
5. To pursue my dreams and passions and not be fearful of anything "Fear not for I am with you, I am the Lord your God." -Isiah 41:10

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